Our rooms and the space around...

 The quirkiness of an old house is reflected in each room being a different size, with no consistency at all. The Vintage furniture was sourced over many years from homes that were being brought down. Every bed, table and chair came in different shapes and sizes, so no two rooms are alike . We hope you will enjoy the process of choosing one that resonates with your aesthetic appreciation. 
We have provided details of bed sizes to help you choose.
There are 3 rooms on the ground floor (room Nos. 1,2 and 3)
5 rooms on the first floor (room Nos 4,5,6,7 and 8)
and 1 on the second floor. (room no. 9)

Room 2

Room 3

Room 7

Room 8

Room 9

Below images are of other common spaces available to guests... Please go to other facilities for details.

52, Rue Romain Rolland, Pondicherry
India, 605001

Email: gratitudeheritagehome@gmail.com
Phone: +919442065029

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